Cada cumpleaños, la mamá de Amado le recuerda: "Amado, eres hijo del amor, del mayor amor de mi vida". Pero en la escuela, Prudencia y Olivia lo molestan constantemente: "Amado, je je, Amado apollerado, si crees que te van a amar... ¡ji ji ji!". Una gran nube de ira y frustración comienza a oscurecer la vida de Amado, quien deberá a aprender a manejar sus emociones y a encontrar formas creativas de compartir su historia. Every birthday, Amado's mother reminds him: "Amado, you are the son of love, of the greatest love of my life." But at school, Prudencia and Olivia constantly annoy him: "Amado, hee hee, Amado scumbag, if you think they're going to love you... hee hee hee!" A great cloud of anger and frustration begins to darken the life of Amado, who must learn to manage his emotions and find creative ways to share his story.