Elizabeth Cruz Madrid

Adiós a los cuentos de hadas - Ediciones El Naranjo 2016

Mariel ha perdido a su mamá a causa del cáncer, vive con su papá y su madrastra. Con frecuencia escribe cartas a su mamá pensando lo que le diría si ella viviera. Cuando es llevada por su papá a un internado, encuentra consuelo en las pláticas que sostiene con un chico que conoció por internet. Pasa los días deseando conocerlo y esperando que venga a rescatarla. Mariel has lost her mother to cancer, she lives with her father and stepmother. She often writes letters to her mom thinking about what she would tell her if she lived. When she is taken by her dad to a boarding school, she finds comfort in the talks she has with a boy she met online. She spends her days longing to meet him and waiting for him to come rescue her from her.

Edad: 11 / Curso: Sexto-Séptimo / Genero: Novela


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