Canadian plant disease survey

Canadian plant disease survey Inventaire des maladies des plantes au Canada - [Ottawa] Agriculture Canada, Research Branch - v. 27 cm. - v. 40- Sept. 1960-

English title only, 1960-1976; English and French title, 1977-

Life sciences collection Bibliography of agriculture 0006-1530 Biological abstracts 0006-3169 Energy information abstracts 0147-6521 Environment abstracts 0093-3287

Text in English or French
Includes abstracts in English and French

Issued Sept. 1960-Dec. 1964 by Plant Research Institute; Mar. 1965- by Research Branch, Dept. of Agriculture

0008-476X = Canadian plant disease survey = Can. plant dis. surv


ce 76072048

SB626.A2 / C35