Biological abstracts - [Philadelphia] BioSciences Information Service of Biological Abstracts [etc.] - v. 27 cm. - Quincenal - Mensual (irregular), 1926- - v. 1- Dec. 1926-

Editor: 1926- J. R. Schramm

Population index 0032-4701

Vols. for 1939-62 published also in sections: Section A, General biology; Section B, Experimental animal biology, 1939-47; Section B, Basic medical sciences, 1948-62; Section C, Microbiology, immunology and parasitology; Section D, Plant sciences; Section E, Animal sciences; Sections F-J added after 1939

Vols. for 1926-<39> published under the auspices of the Union of American Biological Societies; 1926-<75> with the cooperation of biologists generally

Vols. 36, no. 20- Oct. 15, 1961- include B.A.S.I.C. (Biological abstracts subjects in context) in each issue

Formed by the union of: Abstracts of bacteriology, and: Botanical abstracts Also available, 1990- in a CD-ROM ed. under title: Biological abstracts on compact disc

0006-3169 = Biological abstracts = Biol. abstr


31013663 //r912

Biología--Resúmenes--Publicaciones periódicas.

QH301 / .B37